Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit

Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit

Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit in Kansas City, MO

You can pursue a claim for damages resulting from a nursing home injury or case of abuse in one of several ways, including a nursing home abuse lawsuit. If you, a loved one, or any person you know in a long-term care facility is going through abuse, contact our attorney to file a nursing home abuse lawsuit in Kansas City, MO immediately.

At Ricket Law Firm LLC, we understand your case. We empathize with every elder experiencing abuse within long-term care facilities where they should be receiving care and compassion from staff members. Let’s talk about how we can protect your elderly loved ones today, send us a message immediately!

Why Do I Need an Attorney for My Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit in MO?

Here’s the thing, a petition or complaint is submitted to the local county or state court clerk in a civil action. Following the filing of similar paperwork in court by the nursing facility in response to the complaint, the parties enter a phase known as “discovery” where documents are exchanged and witnesses are deposed. The court will eventually set the case for trial if the parties cannot resolve it outside of court. 

When the case goes to trial, having a Kansas attorney tackling your nursing home abuse case can provide you with more insights on how to win the case. At the end of the day, you save your elderly loved one from danger and you will receive the compensation they need to cover bills and damage.

Identifying Damages

There must be proof that the nursing home patient was harmed for the court to award damages. The most straightforward cases to prove are frequently those involving injuries brought on by nursing facility employees. Injuries require medical attention, which creates a paper trail of data pertaining to the patient’s symptoms and the incident’s history.

In the majority of nursing home injury incidents, both the resident and the nursing home staff are required to complete an injury incident report. This paperwork, which was completed at the time of the injury, might be useful for demonstrating damages in court.

Support in Filing a Nursing Home Abuse Claim

The first step in bringing a personal injury case or a nursing home abuse lawsuit in Kansas City, MO is to file a nursing home abuse claim. While it is possible to get a personal injury claim without the assistance of a skilled nursing home abuse lawyer, it is still highly advisable to obtain legal counsel.

Ricket Law Firm LLC is a network of professional and caring attorneys with experience in nursing home abuse and neglect. You are one step away from receiving compensation when you choose to work with a reliable Kansas attorney in tackling your nursing home abuse lawsuit.

Legal Aid in Documenting the Abuse

Working with Ricket Law Firm LLC allows you to almost immediately and more effectively gather substantial evidence such as police reports, nursing home medical records for your loved one, identities of caregivers, contact information for all parties involved, and more.

Our Kansas, MO attorneys can assist you in filing a nursing home abuse case on behalf of your loved one when the time comes to seek compensation for any major injuries or abuse. We have the knowledge and skills to guide you through every step of the procedure, offering legal advice and assistance.

Potential Resolutions to Nursing Home Abuse in Kansas City, MO

Nursing home lawsuits can have a variety of outcomes, and the strength of the case and the credentials of legal counsel are two of the most crucial elements that might influence the outcome.

Dismissing the Lawsuit

The plaintiff or the judge may dismiss suits alleging nursing home abuse. The lawsuit may be dropped if the plaintiff no longer saw a cause to continue their claim or if a court determined that the case was brought after the statute of limitations had expired or that it lacked substance for other reasons.

Private Settlement

Settlements in Florida nursing home abuse cases are typical, and counsel for both the plaintiff and the respondent can negotiate a settlement at any time before the trial. In many circumstances, settlement can expedite the resolution of the dispute while also reducing the risk to both parties. The following are some of the other advantages of settling:

  • Decreased litigation expenses for both sides
  • The plaintiff and their family are not going through a potentially emotional trial
  • The defendants possibly preserve their reputation

Court Trial

If a Florida nursing home abuse lawsuit cannot be settled, the matter may be sent to trial before a judge or jury. A nursing home abuse lawyer must demonstrate that the defendants broke their duty of care and that the plaintiff suffered injuries and damages due to that breach—a process known as proximate cause.

Making a Case in Court

There are various legal components to your claim, and it will be your responsibility (together with that of your Kansas attorney) to prove each one at trial.

Normally, to establish that an injury was brought on by the nursing home’s negligence, you must demonstrate the following:

  • The nursing facility owes the resident a duty of care (this is a given based on the care contract)
  • The nursing facility violated its duty of care to the resident by acting inappropriately or by failing to take necessary action, and
  • As a result, the resident was hurt.

The legal components that must be proven will differ slightly in cases where nursing home staff members have assaulted residents.

Learn More About Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit with a Reliable Kansas Attorney Today!

More and more senior citizens are relocating to nursing homes and other care facilities. Almost two million Americans currently reside in nursing homes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Unfortunately, there is a growing trend where older adults are being hurt or abused by the same people responsible for providing for them. 

When nursing home injuries and abuse become the consequence of deliberate actions by caregivers in addition to the incompetence of the nursing home staff, call Ricket Law Firm LLC’s Kansas nursing home abuse attorneys today. Let’s talk about how we can save your elderly loved ones from any abuse in the future.

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